by Albert Rivas | Jan 11, 2021
John Tanner, Founder and Executive Director, BraveED
The Community-Based Accountability System (CBAS) movement started in Texas five years ago and has been growing across the country ever since. While the past year has brought any number of challenges to this effort, it has also allowed for a rethinking regarding implementation. What used to take years now takes months, and while the tools and frameworks have changed very little, if at all, using them is now easier than ever, all thanks to learning how to work in the new normal.
by Albert Rivas | Dec 21, 2020
Terry Faucheux, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates
Alicia Thomas, Consultant, Moak, Casey & Associates
Monica Zdrojewski, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates
Brick and mortar campuses transformed into virtual schools, parents became homeschool teachers, state assessments were canceled, and accountability was suspended. Administrators and educators demonstrated grit and resilience in responding to the crisis in nimble and flexible ways. What does the future hold for academics, assessment, and accountability? Come learn about the 87th Texas Legislature’s reactions and choices for accountability and assessment in the years to come.
by Albert Rivas | Dec 21, 2020
Shelly Ramos, Senior Director, Curriculum, Texas Education Agency
Iris Tian, Division Director of Assessment, Texas Education Agency
Staff from TEA’s Curriculum and Student Assessment divisions will present updates related to the STAAR redesign in alignment with the requirements of HB 3906, including the 75% multiple choice cap, new item types, Reading/ Language Arts redesign, and transition to 100% electronic testing.