by Albert Rivas | Dec 18, 2020
Craig Wilson, Director, Digital Learning, Temple ISD
Shivani Langer, Principal, Stantec
Zach Schneider, Partner/Electrical Engineer, CMTA, Inc.
Discuss ways by which schools can be designed to provide healthier environments, incorporate natural elements like Biophilic Design, and how learning can be taken outdoors to enhance mental well-being. Reduced stress levels are known to help with immunity, which is more important than ever during COVID-19.
by Albert Rivas | Dec 18, 2020
Sheleah Reed, Chief Communications Officer, Aldine ISD
Shelby McIntosh, Managing Partner, Education Elements
Jessica Anderson, Marketing Project Manager, Education Elements
The pandemic has created an opportunity to change the narrative around universal student achievement and design new systems aimed at creating opportunities for achievement for all. Learn immediate steps to take and hear how one district has been inspired to do this work here in Texas.
by Albert Rivas | Dec 18, 2020
Nicole Pestano, National Curriculum Consultant, Edgenuity
The Opportunity Myth,” challenges the integrity and promise of high school graduation. To make the myth a reality, students need equitable access to grade level content/assignments, strong instruction, deep engagement, expert teachers, and social and emotional learning. Learn how schools can support efforts to prepare all students for success after graduation.
by Albert Rivas | Dec 18, 2020
Christine Medrano, Instructional Technology Specialist, Richardson ISD
Morgan Cave, Instructional Technology Specialist, Richardson ISD
David Hernandez, K12 Development Executive, Apple Education
Participants will walk away with a clear understanding of how iPad features support language acquisition and fluency for emergent readers and English Learners, view student examples of creation-based learning within literacy, and hear strategies of how to deliver professional learning for elementary educators surrounding integrating iPad within literacy.
by Albert Rivas | Dec 18, 2020
Jill Schott, Senior Director, State & District Partnership, College Board
AP is committed to providing free, ongoing support, resources, and learning opportunities so all students can earn college credit and placement this year. In this session, learn about the available tools for teachers and administrators and hear how districts are using them in virtual, hybrid, and in-person environments.