Thought Leader Session: Thrive Through The Five – Practical Truths to Powerfully Lead through Challenging Times

Jill Siler, Superintendent, Gunter ISD

I absolutely LOVE my job — 95% of the time. Let’s talk about how to tackle the 5%! This authentic and engaging session will help equip leaders to thrive through the very real and challenging parts of work and life. Through discussion and thought activities, participants will be challenged to understand the contributing factors to challenging seasons as well learn external and internal strategies to thrive through difficult moments.

Premier Session: Change Leadership

Inspiring Leaders and the Future of Texas Schools

Jo Ann Bludau, Hallettsville ISD
Marcelo Cavazos, Arlington ISD
Mark Estrada, Lockhart ISD
Tory Hill, Sweeny ISD
Lindsay Whorton, President, The Holdsworth Center (Moderator)

TASA and The Holdsworth Center team up to discuss how districts, small and large, are leading and learning in times of crisis – when leadership is as critical as ever.


Premier Session: Wellness

Building Leadership Capacity through Personal Wellness

Todd Whitthorne, Chief Inspiration Officer, Naturally Slim
Martha Salazar-Zamora, Superintendent, Tomball ISD
Charles Dupre, Superintendent, Fort Bend ISD
Kelli Moulton, Superintendent, Galveston ISD)
Frank Alfaro, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, Alamo Heights ISD

Todd Whitthorne, the Chief Inspiration Officer for Naturally Slim, will share insights into self-care for leaders during times of crisis. He will also moderate a panel of superintendents who prioritize their own wellness in order to be stronger leaders. Whether it is stress management, life balance, exercise, sleep, time management, or spiritual wellness, these leaders connect the dots between being well and leading well.